Sunday, July 26, 2020

The Birth Of Baby Nance

The Birth Of Baby Nance Hi folks, Ben here, with an update from The Nance, who called me at 7AM to tell me that his wifes contractions were 20 minutes apart. (Next time, Bry, just stick to the 9AM report unless theyre 20 seconds apart, mmmmmkay?) :-) So Lance Nance Nance Revolution Nance is on his way. Ill keep you updated over the course of the day. Lets use this thread to make predictions on the exact time and weight. The closest time and weight guesses will receive gifts from Bryan (Ha! I love hijacking his blog and making promises on his behalf!). Personally I am hoping that the little guy waits until after midnight so that he will be born on my birthday, which is tomorrow. So my (wishful thinking) guess: January 12, 12:42AM, 7 pounds 1 ounce. Let the predictions begin! -Ben [EDIT] 2PM: Contractions are 10 minutes apart, but they are lasting longer. Bryan says that anyone who guessed over 8 pounds is going to be in big trouble with his wife. [EDIT] Noon on 1/12/06: Finally got in touch with Bryan! Alas, Baby Nance was not born on my birthday. :-( He was born at 10:40PM on 1/11/06, weighing in at 9lbs, 14oz (!) and 22 inches long. Congrats to Bryan and Tina!